For our next lesson on what type of business blog or web site to create, we will discuss insurance. You don't have to be a licensed insurance agent or personally talk to people to try to sell them insurance. You can create a web site devoted to insurance quotes or a blog where you discuss all things insurance and include links to your affiliate program sites that will do all the work for you.
The first step is to create your free business web site with or create a free blog using WordPress or Blogger. For those thinking about blogging, if you don't know what to blog about, how about covering articles or posts on the different types of insurance coverage. One post could cover auto insurance where you discuss interesting facts about auto insurance coverage. You can break this topic down into multiple posts and create a post that discusses the medical payments portion of auto insurance and explain what it means and how it works. You can also add interesting facts such as the number of auto accidents caused by texting. You can talk about many things related to insurance since you business will cover multiple forms of insurance. This will give you plenty to write about.
You can include your affiliate link throughout the article everywhere you mention the word insurance just as I have just done. Here is an example of an insurance blog to help get those creative juices flowing and to give you a template to work with. Mind you, this is not my site as I am only including this for the sake of example. I want to help you as much as I can to be successful, so I will research to bring you whatever you need to get your own ideas going. Here is the site:
Our example insurance affiliate is eNetworks. This site offers free insurance quotes for homeowners, health, auto, life, business, workers compensation, and group health insurance. The beauty of this particular program is that it pays you residual income on every customer who actually signs up for insurance from click-throughs coming from your site. This will provide you with continuous monthly income or residual income on each customer that comes through your site to eNetworks and purchases insurance and continues to pay their monthly insurance premium. This is how your insurance agent makes monthly income. And you don't even have to go to school and get a license to be an insurance broker. Earnings for this program can be between $15 and $5,000 monthly depending on how well you promote your site to generate potential customers. See their affiliate payment schedule below:
As you can see, their compensation payout per month can be very generous. If you work on getting your blog or web site out over the internet, the possibilities are endless for the amount of income you could generate per month.
Be sure to come back and leave a comment telling us how you creatively set up your web site or blog and what techniques and tricks you are using to generate customers.
Till the next post,
The At Home Entrepreneur
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